Thursday, August 18, 2011

STARDUST reviewed by Zion

  They are on a flying boat and the captain is
 teaching Yvain how to dance
The movie is suitable for all ages.

It is set in London as a fantasy.
Still on the flying boat and the captain is teaching
Tristan how to sword fight
Tristan is trying to help Yvain walk
 so he can take her  to his land
The plot is  There is a wall that separates the side of magic and normal.  A man called Tristan has a Mum on the magic side, but he lives on the normal side.  One day his Dad gives him a candle to go find his Mum.  But Tristan meets a star called Yvain.  He decides to bring Yvain to his love Victoria for her hand in marriage.  But he's not the only one who wants the star.  Three witches want to eat her heart, to become young again.  Yvain also has a necklace that two princes are looking for.  The first prince who gets it becomes king, but Tristan's Mum is the princess which means Tristan becomes king.  Along the way Tristan begins to love Yvain , finds his Mum and defeats the witches.
Yvain has just falling from the sky and
 landed on the ground
 The main characters are Tristan, Yvain, two princes and the three witches.
 My chosen character is Yvain because I feel how she does in the movie.
 I chose this movie because it gets confusing so I had to watch it over and over again.

To see more information about the movie click here. 

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