Tuesday, August 31, 2010

MR TONY and what he does, by Eva and Maia

Mr Tony is the property manager at Parklands
  1. How long have you been at Parklands? Four years.
  2. Where did you come from and what did you use to work at? I used to live in Lower Hutt, where I had my own property maintenance business
  3. What would a usual day's work be? First I unlock the school. I then do the rubbish. I run the boiler in winter time and look after the swimming pool in summer time. I also help put out the morning tea in the staffroom, and clean up.
  4. Which part do you enjoy most? I like being involved with pupils and helping with sports and another activities.
  5. What do you do in your spare time? I go hunting and fishing and I play bowls.
  6. Could you please tell us about your recent detective work? People have been putting rubbish in the skip. I found some names on some of the rubbish so I rang them up and told them off.
  7. What has been a hightlight of your job here ? I think it was the building of the new swimming pool

1 comment:

BWeBman said...

This is a first class posting Eva and Maia. Good research and photo skills.