Thursday, September 15, 2011




SETTING AMERICA                                                                                                                                            

PLOT.Transformers is about a robot that is trying to protect Sam Witwicky because The Fallen is after him he thinks he has got something in his mind.Optimus dies and they try to find the matrix to bring Optimus Prime back alive.They found the matrix so they brought Optimus back alive

MY CHOSEN CHARACTER Bumble is my favourite character cause he is real fast.

WHY I CHOSE THIS MOVIE  because it has lots of action


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Transformers 3 by Ryan


PLOT Autobots Bumblebee,Ratchet,Ironhide and Sideswipe led by Optimus prime,are back in action taking on evil Decepticons ,who are eager to avenge their recent defeat. The Autobots and decepticons become involved in a perilous space race between the U.S. and Russia to reach a hidden Cybertron spacecraft on the moon and learn its secrets and once again Sam Witwicky has come to the aids of his robot friends. New villain Shockwave who rules who rules Cybertron is on  the scene while the Autobots and Decepticons continue battle it out on on earth.   

MY CHOSEN CHARACTER Shockwave he is my favourite character because he looks the coolest 

Optimus prime

WHY I CHOSE THIS MOVIE  because it has good graphics

To watch full movie click HERE


This movie is suitable for any ages

Setting is Sweet Haven an imaginary town.

Buff sailor man Popeye arrives in an awkward called Sweet Haven. There Popeye meets Wimpy, a hamburger loving man; Olive Oyl, the soon-to-be love of Popeye's life but Bluto is a big bad man and he is out to stop them from getting together.

Main characters are: Popeye the sailor man, Bluto, Sweet pea, Alice the goon, Eugene the jeep, Wimpy, The big bad see hag, Olive Oyl and Poopdeck Paddy.

My chosen character is Popeye the sailor man because he is awesome and strong.

I chose this movie because I have been watching it since I was little.

To watch the full movie click HERE

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Move Review by Bethany : Bridge to Terabithia.

Jess Aarons
Age suitable for: PG

Setting: Lark Creek, Virginia. 2007.

Plot: Jess Aarons is a fifth grader who rides to school with his little sister May Belle.

In class, he meets a new student called Leslie Burke and on the way home Jess and Leslie find out that they are neighbors. 

The next day at school Leslie compliments Jess's drawing ability after seeing his notebook with his pictures in it and they soon become best friends.

Leslie Burke
They venture into the woods after school and swing across a creek on a rope.

They venture further and they find an abandoned tree house and a broken down truck on the other side.

They invent a new fantasy world called Terabithia where they can do anything.

This world is a reflection of their lives and comes to life through there eyes.

May Belle Aarons
They spend their free time in the tree house getting to know each other.

Leslie gives Jess an art kit for his birthday then later, Jess gives her a puppy which she names Prince Terrien, shortened to P.T.

When they are in Terabithia they fight creatures, including a troll which resembles Janice, the school bully.

Jess and Leslie play a prank on Janice, who becomes the laughing stock of the bus.

At school on Friday, Leslie hears Janice crying in the bathroom.  Leslie talks to her and finds out that she is a bully because she is abused by her father.  Leslie and Janice become friends.

Leslie, Jess and Prince Terrien (P.T.)
Jess and Leslie take P.T. to Terabithia, fighting off several creatures resembling students at school.

They go home when it starts to rain and the creek gets very high, then Jess realizes that he has fallen in love with Leslie.

The next morning Ms. Edmunds, Jess's music teacher invites him on a one-on-one field trip to an art museum.

He asks his mum if he can go, she says yes while she is half asleep. Ms. Edmunds comes and they go off, Jess looks at Leslies house as they leave with out thinking of inviting her.

When Jess returns, he finds his mother and father worried sick because they didn't know where he was. 

Jess is heart broken when he finds out that something bad had happened to Leslie while he was gone. 

Janice and Jess become friends and Jess improves Terabithia by making a bridge to get onto the other side.

Main characters: Jess Aarons (Josh Hutcherson), Leslie Burke (AnnaSophia Robb).

Chosen character: I chose Leslie Burke because I like her personality in the movie.

Why you chose this movie: I chose this movie because it is very entertaining and emotional.

To watch the full movie click here.

STARDUST reviewed by Zion

  They are on a flying boat and the captain is
 teaching Yvain how to dance
The movie is suitable for all ages.

It is set in London as a fantasy.
Still on the flying boat and the captain is teaching
Tristan how to sword fight
Tristan is trying to help Yvain walk
 so he can take her  to his land
The plot is  There is a wall that separates the side of magic and normal.  A man called Tristan has a Mum on the magic side, but he lives on the normal side.  One day his Dad gives him a candle to go find his Mum.  But Tristan meets a star called Yvain.  He decides to bring Yvain to his love Victoria for her hand in marriage.  But he's not the only one who wants the star.  Three witches want to eat her heart, to become young again.  Yvain also has a necklace that two princes are looking for.  The first prince who gets it becomes king, but Tristan's Mum is the princess which means Tristan becomes king.  Along the way Tristan begins to love Yvain , finds his Mum and defeats the witches.
Yvain has just falling from the sky and
 landed on the ground
 The main characters are Tristan, Yvain, two princes and the three witches.
 My chosen character is Yvain because I feel how she does in the movie.
 I chose this movie because it gets confusing so I had to watch it over and over again.

To see more information about the movie click here. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

SUPER 8, reviewed by Akeila

This movie is set in Ohio.
 The PLOT is 8 best friends are filming a movie for a school assignment.  The night of the train crash they are filming a shot for the movie and a crazy person comes down the hill 20 seconds before the crash then BOOM train bits are flying everywhere and flames are getting bigger and BIGGER. As Joe is trying to find his friend he comes across a part of the train and a bit of the part is moving.   He sees two black hands pop up and  he hears allie say"Are u ok?" As they go to see if the man is alright he points a gun at the kids he says to them "don't tell anyone about this". Joe and his friend take the camera to get fixed.  The man says "it might take 2 or 3 days to fix". After 4 days they watch the film.   They see a black thing moving in the back round which has six arms and a weird shaped head. Allie is taken by the monster.   As Joe and the rest of the 8 go looking for her they see the monster feeding on a human leg.   They look to the left  and .  They see allie hanging up side down they look around again.   There is the store man, the sheriff and lots of other people. They help all the people that are still alive.

Allie and Joe

Joe, Allie (are the main characters)
Allie's dad and Joe's dad
                   Allie because she is a down to earth girl.


Thursday, August 4, 2011


Title Home Alone 

Age Suitable For ... Any Age 

Setting ... USA

Main Character ... Kevin McAllister, Harry and Marv (Bandits)

Plot ...
It is Christmas Time and the McAllister family is preparing for a vacation in Paris, France. But, the youngest in the family named Kevin got into a scuffle with his older brother Buzz and was sent to his room which is on the third floor of his house. Then, the next morning, while the rest of the family were in a rush to make it to the airport on time, they completely forgot about Kevin who now has the house all to himself. Being home alone was fun for Kevin, having a pizza all to himself, jumping on his parents' bed and making a mess. Then, Kevin discovers about 2 burglars, Harry and Marv about to rob his house on Christmas eve. Kevin acts quickly by wiring his own house with makeshift booby traps to stop the burglars and to bring them to justice. Written by Jack Lockhart.

Why I recommend it
Because it is by far one of the best films I have ever seen! :)

My Chosen Character 
Kevin McAllister. I Chose Kevin Because He Relates alot to me.